
Important notice

From 1 June 2024, Engineering Super’s USI and ABN has changed.
Update your employee’s details on your payroll system to ensure contributions are received.

It's easy to make super payments to Engineering Super.

If you use a clearing house, all you'll need is your employee’s member number and the following details;
Fund name: Engineering Super
USI/SPIN: 43 905 581 638 021
ABN: 43 905 581 638
Fund RSE Registration Number: R1001341
Phone number: 1300 001 168

Our Letter of Compliance

Engineering Super is a complying and regulated fund in accordance with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.
Download our Letter of Compliance.

How to pay into Engineering Super

Since the introduction of SuperStream, all employers must pay super contributions through a method that meets the SuperStream rules.

It is no longer possible to pay a super fund by EFT or cheque.

You can make payment with:
  • An outsourced payroll service that complies with SuperStream; or
  • Your own software solution that complies with SuperStream
Employer ID
You don’t need an employer number with Engineering Super, so the employer ID field can be left blank.

Accounting software

If your accounting software does not list Engineering Super, contact your software provider and give them our Letter of Compliance.
Useful links:

We're here to help

Employees have the legal right to choose their own super fund, so it’s important to facilitate this if they have chosen Engineering Super.
If you have questions, contact our Member Services Team at hello@engineeringsuper.com.au or call 1300 001 168.