For professional engineers

Why choose engineering Super;

  • A community of engineers growing wealth
  • Educational resources for engineers
  • Transparent fees
  • Loyalty discounts
  • Save for a first home
  • Practical tech for members

We are a community of engineers growing wealth

As a fund focused on engineers, we aim to deliver an experience more relevant to the engineering community.
We actively engage with engineers to help us better understand what engineers want from a super fund.

Ready to get started? Join in under 5 minutes.

Educational resources for engineers

Our goal is to get your super organised and keep it organised.
The best way to do this is with practical education relevant to engineers.
Our educational content is designed to encourage practical, intelligent actions - things like;
  • taking advantage of government incentives,
  • checking you are getting paid the correct super,
  • reducing taxes

Transparent fees.

You should understand the fees that you are being charged. We aim to make our fees transparent.
Check out our Fees & discounts page.

Save on fees with our loyalty discounts

Loyalty Discount Program
Bronze Plus
Silver Plus
Gold Plus
  • We created a loyalty discount program to reduce fees.
  • You’ll automatically be enrolled as soon as your account balance reaches $1,000.
  • If you receive a contribution to your super account every 12 months, you will be eligible for the loyalty fee rebate.
  • The loyalty discount program has seven membership levels, with the percentage-based admin fee discounts increasing over time.
See Fees & Discounts for more info.

A note on insurance

Currently Engineering Super does not offer an insurance product.

Save for a first home

At Engineering Super, we have built a helpful tracking widget for members who want to save for a first home inside their super.
This tracks your personal contributions, ensuring you are aware when you are approaching the annual cap and the total cap set by the government.
Learn more about the First Home Super Saver Scheme.

Practical tech for members

Engineering Super is committed to using efficient, member-friendly technology.
Our goal is to;
  • lower fund admin costs,
  • create practical, useful features for members,
  • deliver higher levels of data security.
By using technology to move processes from paper to digital, the fund can speed up processing time, reduce human errors and lower fund costs. We still have a few processes that are paper-based, but the goal is to progressively remake these, where possible.
Tech, even very simple tech, can create practical and useful features for members.
We welcome software engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, chemical engineers, electrical engineers, mining engineers, biomedical engineers, environmental engineers and many more.
We are a superannuation fund for people who solve problems and build things.